The MAG weekly Blog by Lydia, every friday 1700 hrs. Nr 2. 1 July 2022

This week's contributors: Lydia, Dore Fasolati, this weeks subjects: Scandalous fashion, Doctors, Extramarital lovers, Organic food, Madam Butterfly restaurant,  Club BackFront

How to breach a scandalous fashion.!

Today, in fashion, nudity appears normalized. But lots of it is not authentic, it is just nude. Rather, stockings and high heels, leather, lace, silk, velour, hats and fascinators are still fashion’s most wanted exotic pieces.

I like to delve into combinations of these pieces to create a perfectly imperfect masterpiece in my world of imagination.

What you wear can boost your mood for the day by 70%, and smelling good does so too. Just because stockings are presumed sexual doesn’t mean we cannot wear them on a regular basis.

So let’s spice up the work mood with a bit of stockings underneath that skirt or petite dress, with 3-4 inches high heels to pair them, and tell me how you feel. Not forgetting my gentlemen, do put on a suit and a tie with a great cologne or fragrance and tell me how you felt for the day.

Some doctors are useless, some are crooks, and some are even dangerous!.

You have a tertiary education? Great. But did you graduate with a First Degree Honours or did you just slip through with a D7 and 3 Cs? The same goes for our doctors who we pay to cure us. But they just say Dr X, they never write Dr X D7-3Cs. So best is to take a very detailed personal interest in your own health, learn things from search engines (Bing, Google, Yahoo etc), and look over Dr.something's shoulder to make sure you know and understand what he is trying to do with you, and that you agree. And read up on the medicine prescriptions they give you so you know what they are trying to treat and what the side effects can be.

“She was retained at the hospital and put on the drip, they did some tests and gave her a prescription and released her after 2 days (with a bill of at least 400 GHS, and that is very cheap), they are waiting for the results”. Familiar? What they did was not to treat you, they rather gave you sugar water and probably an antibiotic (to treat what?), they did not treat you but they just took your money. Unfortunately this is becoming more and more common, no treatment but taking your money, even telling you things are wrong with you and prescribing expensive medicines for a terrible disease when in fact nothing is wrong with you.

About a year ago a friend was diagnosed with appendix and was presented with a surgery budget of about 4000 GHS. When she told me about it she did not really show any symptoms so I suggested she get a second opinion. She never did the operation and today she is fine and 4000 GHS richer. So make sure the chicken you are eating is really dead or it may lay too heavy on your stomach.....

Having a lover!

can sometimes save your marriage. Sometimes relationships turn sour, whilst in fact the guy still is the same guy, he has not really changed but the 2 of you have started to behave funny towards each other, and things heat up so much that you think of breaking up.  Having an affair for some time will create some distance for things to cool down and restore some of the self esteem you lost. But make absolutely sure he never finds out.  And do use a condom!

You are what you eat!.

(Dis moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai  ce que tu es, Jean Brillat Savarin, French gastronome, 1826). So I visit the Organic veggies and other things market at Labone, Coffee shop, Accra on Saturday. Despite the huge lobby from the pesticide manufacturers, the truth slowly starts to come out, organic food is healthier and tastier. More expensive? Yes, but do you put cheap adulterated fuel into you car? Do you value your car more than your body?

Madam Butterfly's!

restaurant at Labone, Accra, has re-opened. The only menu is now a number of sort of gastronomic journies with umpteen courses, we were not in the mood for that and just had a glass of red, undefined, but nice wine.

Club  Front Back!

Curious as I am I asked around about FrontBack  in Accra, a 500 $ membership club with events, but the answers I had made me decide to spend the 500 $ differently

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