The MAG weekly Blog by Lydia, every friday 1700 hrs. Nr 11 2nd September 2022

This week's contributors: Lydia, Dorè Fasolati, this week's subjects: Newspapers versus phone, diet and depression, WHO and Togo, Microsoft’s Paul Allen’s art collection, Phone charging James Baldwin, houseboy, driver and labourer.

Knee high

Knee-length boots on the streets of Accra

Knee high boots were popular in the 1950's. Before then, they were made for peasant farmers, fishermen and other manual workers to protect their legs from moisture. They were originally made of leather or watertight canvass, and later of rubber or plastics, and, but then became fashion statement pieces, again made of leather,  and now of rubber and plastics as well.

Wondering which outfit to wear to style your boots in West Africa considering the climate? Worry not for your boots won’t get stuck in your closet. This type of shoes for women connote style, class and adventure ; here are some easy steps to styling your knee high boots so don’t fidget.

There are three different lengths to the knee length boots. It either rise to the knee, go slightly above the knee or under the knee. Black and brown boots are the most versatile and work with the widest range of outfits but there are other colors to choose from. These shoes lend themselves well to a variety of different looks and settings.

Newspapers and phones.

Not long ago, for some of us, a newspaper had several functions. Killing the flies in the toilet, reading it whilst easing oneself, and using part of it to clean yourself afterwards. Now we rather hold a phone, which updates us as well, or can take selfies, but that's all. But do we use our left hand or our right hand?

Diet and depression

With Big Data we find out more and more about ourselves. Millions of medical data can now be analyzed and conclusions drawn. And what did we recently find out? Junk food eaters suffer depression and anxiety more often than healthy food eaters. UPFs are the main culprits. (Ultra Processed Foods are commercially prepared convenience food products that contain little to no whole food ingredients, often lack essential nutrients and often contain additives, such as flavourings, colourings and other products that make the food more appealing) The main junkers? Sugar sweetened drinks, reconstituted meat products (sausages, corned beef etc), packed snack foods, chips, breakfast cereals (rather eat unsweetened oats), cookies, cakes and bread. Yes, bread. I banned bread from my main diet long ago. And we already knew that these UPFs cause changes in the brain, increased inflammations and altered metabolisms. Next will be cancer.

The World Health Organisation (WHO)  has congratulated Togo for being the first African country to completely eliminate 4 devastating but often neglected tropical diseases. Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease which causes disability and often death), Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis, swelling in the arms, legs, breasts, or genitals) Human African trypanosomiasis (through tsetse flies, can be deadly) and Trachoma (severe eye pain and often leading to blindness). I didn’t hear anything on this in the Ghanaian news, which makes one wonder.

The art collection of Paul Allen (+2018), little known cofounder of Microsoft, is being sold off, it is likely to fetch 1 billion (1000 million) USDollars.....

Phone charging has become a daily chore and there is the joke of a guy inviting a girl to his apartment and she asking if he has a phone charger. On a more serious note, a big percentage of phone chargers sold on the streets are not safe at all and can catch fire. So keep an eye on your charger and, especially at night, make sure there is no stuff around which will easily catch fire, like e.g. curtains.

James Baldwin, Afro American, recently passed away at the age of 98. Baldwin, was the last Afro American survivor of those who were amongst the American soldiers who liberated part of Europe from the Germans at the end of World war 2 in 1945. Amongst soldiers, not as soldier, because black Americans could not be soldiers at that time, only supporting staff. Houseboys, drivers and labourers, if you like.


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