The MAG weekly Blog by Lydia, every Friday 1700 hrs. Nr 47 12th May 2023

A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Scents and seduction night, Man Ray, Le Petit Oiseau Restaurant, UNESCO .

Scents and seduction night

When the day begins to wind down, you need your scents to help you wind down, too. People have been using essential oils for thousands of years to induce calm and relaxation. As modern research continues to support their use, more and more people are using aromatherapy to manage stress and create a quiet, peaceful mood. Even if you sleep well already – and especially if you don’t – there are several scents you can try that are perfectly suited for the evening hours, helping you release the stress of the day and get ready for sleep.

Most popularly, you will find that floral notes with animalic properties are generally used in seductive fragrances. These notes include jasmine, ylang ylang, clean musk, tonka bean for women and tobacco, amber, pepper, ambergris for men. Lavender is another great option—it's a relaxing and alluring scent, proven to draw men in. It's natural and lightly floral, but not too strong.

One of the most effective scents to attract a man is, oddly enough, a combination of pumpkin pie and lavender.. Vanilla and amber scents, spicy shades or balsamic notes are all ingredients that invite seduction. Chypre perfumes intrigue as much as they fascinate with their almost erotic freshness. Bewitching white flowers such as tuberose or ylang-ylang embody the femme fatale, while gourmand notes make you salivate. On the other hand, light florals such as jasmine and lavender with fresh citrusy scents are captivating as expected and these scents can easily strike men's attention. Meanwhile, musk and sandalwood are also popular fragrant notes that men find seductive. Some experts even say that Jasmine is the most sensual of all natural scents. This is because jasmine contains the chemical indole. The plant releases this strong-smelling compound to attract pollinating insects. As it turns out, indole is also present in the human body.

This research concluded that the scents of Lavender, Licorice and Donuts, Pumpkin Pie (cinnamon), Orange, and even Popcorn lead to increased arousal in men. This makes sense as these scents probably remind men of happy memories, positive emotions and an overlying feeling of comfort.

So you my darling M.A.G do well to attract the man you like; you have no excuse being single.!.!.!

Man Ray (real name Emmanuel Radnitzky, 1890 –1976) was an American photographer who pioneered fashion photography. He arrived in Paris from America around 1920, planning to become a famous painter within the Dadaism movement which had artistes such as Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee and Max Ernst and many others as members. Photography was a side hustle, but as few were prepared to pay for his paintings he tried to scratch a living out of photography anyway. Photography was still at its beginning, and Ray tried to experiment with different lightening, partly developing, what not. This caught the eye of some fashion designers who till then only had sketchbooks and live shows as a means of selling their designs. But instead of just taking pictures Ray tried to create artworks, whilst rather poking fun at the fashion. We could claim that Andy Warhol copied Ray. Presently a Man Ray exhibition is touring the world.

do i see Marylin Monroe (1926-1962) here?

Le Petit Oiseau Restaurant, (small bird in English, pronounce le petiwazo) recently opened right at Ringway South, Accra. Note the “Le”, which in this case indeed means a peppered invoice, but the pain is reduced by a throat cleaner served at the end. They claim to fuse French and African cuisine, and they do, with very original dishes which honour some often overlooked Ghanaian ingredients. Like fresh sweet water mussels. So far all remarkable, but the real remarkable thing was the excellent service we had from one Clinton, and he was not the only one doing a top job to make sure our tête a tête dinner went smoothly. There's an outside and an inside, we were inside. The way this place is going one may soon be forced outside, I guess it will soon be a “must have been” place, and their inside walls are virtually bare (though nicely painted), so the acoustics are bad, and in a packed place this often becomes unbearable. Of course the problem outside is the traffic (who cares, no one seems to care that we are now the ninth most polluted city in the world -but the web gives me 18th and lower than 50th position as well) ), and possible mosquitoes. So maybe plan for a non-weekend day or a lunch, and maybe reserve. We had reserved and now that they had my phone number the next day I received a nice message asking whether everything was all right. Last time that happened to me was when I bought a washing machine, about 10 years ago. The most important issue here, however, is the increasing efforts to promote Ghanaian ingredients in a more experimental way than our traditional fufu with light soup, or gari with beans. Miduni, Ghana Food Movement, others are cutting the path. And maybe one day the Neapolitan pizza eaters will go, for a change and out of curiosity, for fast food from their newly opened KFG, Kenkey and Fish from Ghana. It would put Ghana on the map and is worth a billion Dollars.

UNESCO for most of us is better known for taking care of the interest of children, but they are in culture as well, and what is culture? Even shaking someone's right hand is part of culture. UNESCO has recognized 1157 world heritage sites, sometimes they are natural things, sometimes buildings. Ghana has 32 historic forts and castles and 13 traditional Ashanti buildings on the list and another six have been nominated for approval. Lately Unesco has added 9 foods to its list of cultural heritages, the most popular are the French bread, called baguette (what we eat here is a very poor copy), couscous and the Neapolitan pizza. Kenkey and fufu are not on it, can someone get up and do his job?


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