The MAG weekly Blog by Lydia, every Friday 1700 hrs. Nr 57 21st July 2023
A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.
This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Travel Fashion Guide for a MAG, Jane Birkin, Toxic Mothers .
Travel Fashion Guide for a MAG
My dearest Modern African Girl, who is about to travel overseas for the first time but doesn’t know what to put in her suitcase; here’s a guide for you not to be found wanting. Don’t wear your most expensive clothing on flights because of food and drink spillage accidents caused by unforeseen circumstances. It’s advisable to wear your normal old clothes.
Before packing your suitcase, first check for the country you are visiting weather forecast on Google Weather (this isn’t 100% accurate but it does help) to serve as your guide for packing your clothes. Then make a packing list. Some items you are sure to carry along are ;
• Joggers with a tank top, pullover, and sneakers. This is more comfortable and easy to wear, doesn’t hold you back, and is none seasonal.
• Bikini because you might want to go for a swim in a hot tub or a pool which is essential for relaxation.
• Your petite noir dress and stockings: who knows a dinner might be calling.
• A jumpsuit because it can help you navigate between professional meetings and fun activities.
• An oversized blazer or jacket to compliment your outfits.
• Palazzo pants and long-sleeved button-down shirts. Also appropriate for any kind of entry.
• A pair of walkable black high heels like strap heels.
• Your basic essentials like a travel iron, socks, sleepwear, slippers, a towel, perfumery, a few statement jewelry, skincare products, a kimono, and a toothbrush.
Do not forget to leave room for a few new items in your suitcase. Make sure your suitcase is below the required weight by 5kg.
Jane Birkin (best known outside France for “Je t'aime . . . moi non plus”, check youtube) passed away last weekend at age 76. She was a British/French singer, actor, producer, the lot, and one of those who were part of the big fashion switch of the 60’s. She is the originator of the Birkin Bag. “Birkin found herself seated next to Hermes CEO Jean-Louis Dumas. After the contents of her straw basket fell to the floor, she explained to Dumas her difficulty in finding a suitable leather bag. This conversation led Dumas to create a black supple leather bag for her, which later became known as the Birkin bag”. New Birkin bags presently go for about 25,000 $, and pre-owned come at about 12000 $.
Not sure if the term going for a song has anything to do with all this. But of course, if you can't afford this, you can do your own thing. Go to Accra, buy a straw basket and a marker, and create your own brand. This is called Branding
Toxic Mothers.....! First, they will hammer you “You look too skinny” then they will hammer “When will you get married”, and if you do get married they will hammer “When will you get pregnant”, and then they will hammer you for the second one and so forth. If that's all that happened or happens to you then you are lucky, there are much worse scenarios. I know of a 62-year-old unmarried woman who stays with her mother and needs permission to go out in the evening. And halfway through the evening, she will get a call “When are you coming home”. One girl had an iPhone gift from her mother with an unannounced but pre-installed tracker on it. So Mummy knows at any time where Darling is. Despite that Mummy sends regular advice by calling Darling during evenings with friends out. And in the middle of the night. Several potential hubbies have already thrown in the towel. Thus Mummy went a few steps further, dug out an old boyfriend (who in the meantime got married with kids but he is a Muslim and the more the merrier), dug out 2 girlfriends who out of the blue showed up for a long birthday weekend and took the girl for a dinner, where she met the old boyfriend, of cause purely by coincidence, and then after a few drinks and off her guard he shoved a diamond ring on her finger and said: “now you are my fiancée”. In full view of the other diners in the restaurant, who gave the brand-new couple a roaring applause. Not very original, maybe people watch too many movies, and the case is not sorted out yet but lots of drama and tears, and potentially very explosive. Am I overdoing it? No, and that's why I hardly watch films or TV, the real stuff is happening right in front of us. Of course, Mummy wants the best for Darling, but some take it too far, and can’t let go. Some even demand to be taken care of, I did so much for you, now you must take care of me. So be home in time, or I'll be lonely, prepare the food, clean the house, you owe me all that and more. Recognize some of this? Then it's time you set a few records straight. We'll do that in the next blog.
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