The MAG weekly Blog by Lydia, every friday 1700 hrs. Nr 15 30th September 2022

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Ghana Fashion home, Balanciaga for Football, Model eats Husband, Now it is Good and Now it is Not, Hacking, Pharao Sanders.

African ready to wear brands pieces you must own.

Still on fashion because it’s the fashion week season and currently we are being recognized on a larger scale, here are some local fashion houses you must own at least an outfit from their collection.

Noisy fashion brand Balanciaga has signed up with Rennes Football Club France. Both belong to  Bernard Arnault, Chief Executive and founder of LVMH, the worlds largest luxury brand company. LVMH holds Dior, Bulgari, Dom Pérignon, Moët, Givenchy, Fendi, Kenzo, and recently added Tiffany, just to mention a few. Bernard is worth about 140 Billion USD. Balanciaga recently was in the news for trying to sell plastic waste bags as fashionable “must have” handbags for 900 $ a piece.  Rennes footbal club presently has 8th position in the French Premier Leage. For now we know that the footballers will be dressed more fashionable off field. It will be interesting to follow if they can improve their ranking in the leage...

Human cannibalism, one human eating parts, or all, of another human is becoming rarer and rarer. The Carribean and Papua New Guinea are mentioned most as places where cannibalism took place, but the Solomon Islands, Melanesia (where flesh markets existed) and  Fiji (know as the cannibal islands), the Amazon Basin, and the Māori people of New Zealand are also mentioned, and, closer to home, the Congo and part of Western Ivory Coast and Eastern Liberia. Omaima Aree Nelson was an Egyptian model who at age 23 married a 51 year old American. She claimed severe sexual abuse in the first month of her marriage and then stabbed and beat her husband to death. She dismembered his body and tried to dispose of the parts by hiding them between garbage. But she grilled some of the ribs and ate them, with barbeque sauce. Later she denied this. She is serving a life sentence.   So refuse grilled spare ribs which look unusually big.

Now it is good and now it is not. I am getting a bit fed up with useless articles about healthy and dangerous foods. I recently read that 3 cups of coffee a day makes you live longer, and the same day I read that coffee increases your bad cholesterol and makes you live shorter. First of all, most of these articles are basing themselves on studies which are poorly set up. Assume that less than 5% of these studies are worth reading and can stand the test of time and retests. But to be on the safe side maybe we should just not eat too much of any particular food, but rather eat more varied. So instead of rice every day maybe have rice, next day yam, next day corn, next day beans and so on. Same for the meats and the fish and the veggies. This way you get a bit of everything, and hopefully of the right thing, the vitamins, the minerals and so on. It will also reduce the chance of chemical poison overdose.

Hacking of your computer or phone.  Recently i stumbled across a magazine titled “the hacker”. It contains information on how to crack passwords, where to get free of charge spyware, how to quietly install it, and so forth. It also guides you on how to circumvent anti-virus software.   I talked about this with one of those computer nerds, people who understand a keyboard better than good food or a woman, and he proudly assured me that no computer is safe for him, and that in any case no computer is safe anywhere. He suggested a few things: Have a good anti virus software, you may have to pay for this, the free ones often are not tops. Change your passwords monthly and have different passwords for different things. Back up regularly, you will have to spend money on an external hard drive. Disconnect from the net whenever you can. Now all this sounds troublesome but with a car too you need to stop from time to time to buy fuel, or do servicing, and the same  goes for your devices. Thank me later. And if something is really secret don't put it on a computer. And if you want to  discuss something really confidential, switch everything off, leave it home, take a nice stroll and discuss.

Pharao Sanders legendary Jazz saxophonist recently passed away at 81. Pharao, originally called Farrel, was a John Coltrane pupil and colleague and some of his music was very experimental, some called it non music. In his last interview, 2 years ago, at age 79, he complained that good sax reeds were now difficult to get .... Some of you may know that Pharao visited Ghana in 1992 and performed at Accra Conference Centre and the American Ambassador's house, with our own Nii Noi Nortey, also a very innovative and out of the box musician. Nii at that time had a band called Mau Mau Muziki. Mau Mau was the Kenyan liberation movement in the 50’s. Pharaoh Sanders and the Mau Mau Muziki band after the concert in the American Ambassador's house in Accra in January 1992.


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