M.A.G. blog, signed by Lydia

A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: What to wear for a summer brunch, The Venue Restaurant at East Legon, When are you getting married, Don’t do it in the dark.

What to wear for a summer brunch. The good news is that brunch is super chill. It's a great excuse to put on some cute clothes, but there's no need to break out your our day dress. The very concept of brunch ignores the rules of traditional meals, so why should there be strict rules about what you can (or can't) wear? Although there's no specific dress code for brunch, most women aim for a classy, chic aesthetic that walks the line between casual and dressy. Depending on the weather, common brunch attire consists of items like skirts, flowy dresses, light jackets, and other lightweight yet stylish and colorful attire. When it comes to summer brunches, dressy shorts are a must-have in your wardrobe.


A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Leather jackets are timeless, Monthly cramps, +233 Jazz Bar & Grill again, Shopping at Airports .

Leather jackets are timeless For More than 100 years a leather jacket has been an iconic symbol of strength, bravery, and general badass. The leather jacket was born in the early 1900s and originated in military. In 1917, the US Army Aviation Clothing Board created “flight jackets” for WWI pilots. Aviators and members of the military wore brown leather flight jackets.


A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: .

A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Travel fashion, Burberry reinvents itself, again, The advantage of shy men, Toxic Mothers...2.

Travel fashion My dearest Modern African Girl, I hope you had a glimpse of what to pack when traveling overseas. I am now going to assist you in travel packing for cold countries. Google isn’t 100% accurate in predicting the weather but it gives you a fair idea of what to expect. Assuming you are leaving a much warmer country for a colder country, here’s how you dress up for the airport. It’s always advisable to put on joggers since they can be worn during winter and summer. You can pair that with a tank top, pullover, and sneakers while packing a wool jacket knee length with a pair of gloves into your hand luggage.


A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Travel Fashion Guide for a MAG, Jane Birkin, Toxic Mothers .

Travel Fashion Guide for a MAG My dearest Modern African Girl, who is about to travel overseas for the first time but doesn’t know what to put in her suitcase; here’s a guide for you not to be found wanting. Don’t wear your most expensive clothing on flights because of food and drink spillage accidents caused by unforeseen circumstances. It’s advisable to wear your normal old clothes. Before packing your suitcase, first check for the country you are visiting weather forecast on Google Weather (this isn’t 100% accurate but it does help) to serve as your guide for packing your clothes. Then make a packing list. Some items you are sure to carry along are ; • Joggers with a tank top, pullover, and sneakers. This is more comfortable and easy to wear, doesn’t hold you back, and is none seasonal.

• Bikini because you might want to go for a swim in a hot tub or a pool which is essential for relaxation.


A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Sweaters are your best friend , 233 Jazz Club and Grill, Changing Hubbies Character, Sponsors for sports events.

Sweaters are your best friend. Sweaters are meant to keep you warm in the cold. A sweatshirt is also meant to keep you warm, although that's not its only purpose. Along with keeping one warm, they also absorb sweat. This makes them a go-to choice for athletes and fitness enthusiasts hence becoming a mainstream everyday item. The first traces of the knitted sweater as we know it come from Muslim knitters employed by Spanish royal families in Europe during the mid-13th century. A painting titled Our Lady Knitting by Tommaso da Modena (circa 1350) depicts a red sweater being stitched with needles.


A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Jumpsuits, Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, Migraine.

Jumpsuits The first jumpsuit was designed in 1919 for parachutists jumping out of planes. The jumpsuit was also adopted by pilots and professional divers in their own fields of work. As a result, the term 'jumpsuit' was invented. It was adapted for factory workers (the famous blue overalls).


A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Puff sleeves fashion, Abortion, Places to hunt future husbands, Never say die, Full moon.

Puff sleeves fashion Puffed sleeves have been making a huge comeback over the past years! There are so many variations on this sleeve to choose from—from big puffs with

lacy, sheer, satin, or organza beautifully designed gorgeous puff sleeves, smocked square shape back, and elasticated sleeves on the shoulders and cuffs, this easy-to-wear dreamy outfit is trans seasonal.

Here’s how to wear chic puff sleeves outfits with certain body types.


A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Celebrating one year, Oldie but Goldie, Make-up ingredients, African cuisine, Espadrilles, one or two, Unkept promises.

Celebrating one year. On the 24th of June, 2022 it is one year ago that I launched this blog, and I want to thank all of you who have supported me and given me positive criticisms. A year goes by fast, but writing 52 blogs took more of my time than I had anticipated, but so it be it, and I continue. Amen. A few things stand out in this past year. The old fashion guard who so strongly influenced the 60's and 70's, causing a real revolution then, are going home one by one and their efforts have mainly been taken over by huge multi-billion conglomerates. The internet continues to change the fashion landscape, and internet sales are up a steady 10 % per annum for a few years now, and Covid gave that one a big push as well, and the first big brick-and-mortar casualties are showing. As Darwin said, the one who can adapt most will survive, not the strongest or the most intelligent. The Internet also influences what we buy, either because it has become fashionable on social media, or because of price, and some have made huge inroads into this fast and cheap fashion market, with some Chinese leading the pack. Which goes straight against the latest trend word, sustainability. The world is slowly waking up to fashion being the number 4 biggest polluter and it is becoming trendy again to wear second-hand clothes and to repair. Which has it's own problems again, Ghana is a big importer of the Obroni Waawu, for economic rather than for environmental reasons, but has to throw a big apart away because it is unusable, even for the poorest, and this ends up in our gutters. The supply countries have picked this up and are looking at bans on exports, seemingly not aware that many Africans simply cannot afford new. And, another side of sustainability is quality, and also this side is growing, with sales up for the big and exclusive brands, even our own Woodin and GTP still continue kicking. But the big brands seem to be running out of creativity, leaving space for the younger and more enthusiastic ones. Ghana is missing out there, our fashion schools are overflowing but we have 3 fashion weeks competing, rather than coordinating and pooling resources and getting the world to come and watch. And place orders. And like our music industry which is almost completely corrupted (payola), our model industry seems corrupted on a different level, the organizers insist on taking unfair advantage of the girls, and that for almost no pay or no pay at all. I am often thinking on how to put Ghana better onto the world fashion map. Think with me. A last one from last year: warnings about cancer-causing and hormone-changing chemicals in our cosmetics and foods (or clothing) are popping up more and more frequently. Take heed.

Oldie but Goldie


A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Fashion for unpredictable weather, Looking for a partner, Rockefellas Sushi-Korean-Continental Restaurant, The Little Paris Gh.

Fashion for unpredictable weather

Search engines can’t get it 100% right all the time with the weather forecast which is why lately you need to get prepared for any kind of weather. It could be scorching hot and the next minute it is heavy downpours. For the next month or so, here’s how to beat the weather by its game without looking tacky or underdressed.

As a general rule of fashion, your layers of clothing should start thin and become progressively thicker as you move away from the body. So, start with a T-shirt or a tank top, laid over with a denim jacket and jeans. The outer layers should also be looser so you can actually move.


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